best bicycle - Mountain Bike Maintenance : Tips for Adjusting Your Bicycle Seat Height

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Mountain Bike Maintenance : Tips for Adjusting Your Bicycle Seat Height

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Mountain Bike Maintenance : Tips for Adjusting Your Bicycle Seat Height.


    To co uważacie:
  • Morten Almkvist - It's not 73,25mm, it's 73,25cm!!
  • ikhaakhookh - thanks
  • DoubleSpeeded - well how the fuck is others meant to know if they dont specify
  • TheUltimateFish - So he spoke wrong by accident. Whoopty freaking doo. Asshole
  • survivalenthusiast - @TheTsine Drop it lower when on the trail you will want to be able to reach the ground if you need to, I had the same problem.
  • NoirMusic - There is no magic number, no equation for "correct" seat height. None. So I fail to see how he could get more specific. Also, unless you a preschooler, most of us don't glue our ass to the seat and perch with our feet on the ground. We lean the bike, or slide off the seat, or pedal slower tell we get to the light, or simply do a track stand. If you are sitting on your seat with your feet flat on the ground you are killing your knees and holding up traffic riding SLOOOW.
  • cuevarap - Measuring the seat height from the center bolt of the crank arm to the top of the seat as a standard won´t be accurate if another bike has a longer crank arm. Should be measured from the pedal axle to the top of the seat, it'll be a constant
  • drexelur1 - Dude, I am sure he meant Centimetres, not Millimetres, ok? Geeze! Lighten up already.
  • RsKWonder - Heyy i have an Iron horse! xD mines an outlaw 4.3 tho
  • SamuelBonillaSatan6 - Talk English!!!!!!!!!! because you look like you couldn't touch the floor incase you need to balance at a stop light!!!!!!!!
  • SamuelBonillaSatan6 - alright makes sense.
  • playapick - C'mon man! I'm just busting his baLLs. It's all good. I meant well, just playing. *_*
  • DoubleSpeeded - you are a retarded mother fucker dude yes he said millimetres..which is pretty much the measurement used in measuring your penis. you tore nothing... the only thing you tore was your mothers arse when you fucked her up the arse...
  • nomadicexplorers - I really don't know how you can't understand understand this lesson. There is a correct seat height to each individual and his/her riding style. If you are simply commuting then your seating is going to differ than those riding trails, downhill or xc.
  • BIRDMAN503 - His thigh and shin stupid .........20°
  • SamuelBonillaSatan6 - Its ok! i undertand... undertand the fact it is your parents fault that you act like this and they didn't show any love toward you intead they rape and molested you, awwe what wrong daddy didn't show you any love, so he just gave it to you from the rear!!!
  • TheUltimateFish - The center horizontally and yes the top vertically. Don't try to sound smart if you cant even figure that out.
  • TheTsine - Can you tell me what cak=n i do for my bike ! Its 22" and if i do what you said i cant rich the ground with all my foot!!
  • DoubleSpeeded - "centre of the saddle"?? and where is.... the centre... of the saddle?! does this guy mean the TOP of the saddle?!
  • nextlevel2burittos - how do i ajust a cheap walmart moutain bike handle bar
  • ger lum - 20-25 degree angle? i think you mean 160-170 degrees. Where's your geometry
  • FFNiXX - why am i watching this
  • TheUltimateFish - adjust*
  • catandpiddle - good video, thank you!
  • MrBedrock82 - he's a tool
  • TheUltimateFish - You are retarded. You fucking changed the argument and see my comments for other people that brought that up. Yes he said millimeters but he meant centimeters and dumbasses like you are to stupid to realize that he just said the wrong word. Who fucking cares? Just because I tore you apart in the argument because you are to stupid and uneducated to think for yourself doesn't mean I wont do it again when you change the damn subject. Stop trying to argue because I am smarter than you fucktard.
  • TheUltimateFish - Riding with you seat like this is WAY more efficient then riding with it low. If you ajust your seat correctly then it is not uncomfortable. If you ride with your seat low it will hurt your knees and you wont be able to peddle efficiently.
  • MrPocketbike4life - @101dirtjump u know he is talking about down hiil not dirt jumping but still ur right
  • jessestylex - inches not mm
  • kona65734 - lol a wrench!
  • TheUltimateFish - No, not inches. Centimeters.
  • iGuy321994 - Yes, you could maybe lower your seat just a little bit O_o. And also, I think you mean cm, 'cos 73mm is like the size of my finger.
  • SamuelBonillaSatan6 - actually 21, how old are you? i have to say you are also entertaining person to mess with on here.
  • Gordon Hudson - Thats the way I do it too. I think that leg position at the bottom of the stroke gets the most power down.
  • SamuelBonillaSatan6 - all he did was just guessed and he didn't really say much about the measurement and the knee supposed to be at a certain angle, he wasn't being specific about it, he couldn't reach the floor incase if he needs to be at a stop light to reach the ground for support. what i mean is be FUCKING SPECIFIC
  • dadstaxieat - i dont like riding with my seat up my ass i dont understand why everyone does
  • NoirMusic - Talk English...ummm...yeah.
  • Daniel Gallaway - allen wrench
  • theeroom - are the handle bars not suppose to higher than the seat?
  • robert hingston - So many factors in fitting a bike, To be honest I can never get it right and I don't think I ever will...

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